Hattori Midori Kindergarten
Greetings from the Principle
Children are so sensitive that everyone is unique in his/her way.Their smiles are just like the sun shining so bright giving vitality to those around. Their pure eyes are the manifest of their hearts so flexible they can accept anything the way it is.
Children grow through various experiences of feeling touched by something, making new discoveries, and thinking on their own.We have treasured their gifts from heaven, limitless possibilities, and individualities: as well as supported them by pulling up from above or pushing higher from down below.
We have always centered the idea of “What is important to children?”. Thus, children here can feel the satisfaction of achieving the goal by cooperating with companions; recognize that they are brave enough to face themselves on Christmas events; realize their growth by feeling compassionate toward others.
While we greatly appreciate sharing time with your beloved children and taking part in their precious childhood days, we’ll make every effort to become the environment;providing little ones a giant step to take.
- Ms. Miyuki Mitsuishi, Principle
Education Guideline
Generally, when one reaches 6-year-old, the basis of the personality and the neurotic system is formed. Our kindergarten aims to bring bright future for chilren by organizing the environment both physically and mentally so to touch the hearts of children, and providing them with the education based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.新着情報
- 2025年1月6日
- 2024年12月19日
- 2024年11月25日
当園の母体となる基督心宗教団(きりすとしんしゅうきょうだん)は、昭和2年(1927年)に開祖の 川合信水により設立されました。 川合信水は、教団設立以前は、明治26年(1893年)東北学院大学神学部にて押川方義学長の門下として学び、明治34年(1901年)山形県鶴岡市日本基督教講義所の伝道師となりました。